Volunteer Spotlight: Nahom

Nadine: How did you get involved with the festival? How long have you been volunteer?

Nahom: This was actually my first year as an AIFF volunteer. I had heard of the Festival last year when I had just moved in, but at that time, I was occupied with something else. However, I did plan to attend the Festival the following year. When summer came and I remembered it, I immediately signed up, taking my chance. Fortunately, I was lucky to get shifts when there weren’t any available at first

Nadine: What is your favourite Atlantic International Film Festival memory?

Nahom: It was the moment [Volunteer Coordinator] Ruth called, asking me to fill a vacant spot for one of the special events. The event had been rescheduled due to the hurricane in mid-September. I had previously informed the team of my availability, and I was glad I did. During the special event at the Halifax Cable Wharf, I had an unforgettable time with the staff and coordinators. Undoubtedly, it became the highlight of the month for me.

Nadine: What part of the film festival would you recommend to a first-time festival goer?

Nahom: I highly recommend that first-timers stay through the ending and take the opportunity to listen to the movie crew and ask them questions. It’s the best time to poke your questions at actors, directors, and producers, gaining valuable tips and insights into the field. This part happens to be my favourite because it offers a chance to truly appreciate the immense effort behind creating a flawless movie. Understanding this aspect provides a whole new perspective that you might not have considered while watching it initially.

Nadine: What is your favourite film?

Nahom: It’s an Italian movie titled LA CHIMERA that revolves around grave robbers surviving by looting Etruscan tombs and selling ancient treasures. However, archaeologist Arthur's interest lies beyond mere artifacts; he seeks a legendary door to the underworld and his late beloved, Beniamina. The movie's entire ambiance hypnotized me in the story world—memorable characters and dreamy shots initially made it seem like an old film. It's definitely worth checking out.

Nadine: What is your favourite movie snack?

Nahom: I suppose it depends on whether I'm at the cinema or at home. If it's the former, I usually opt for simplicity with popcorn and maybe some blended fruit juice, if available. On the other hand, when I'm at home, I'll snack on just about anything within reach, as long as it's not too heavy or too noisy with loud crunches.